Africa - Physical Political Map

Maps are mounted on heavy duty
spring roller in brackets with backboard.

...designed to fit on all map racks, map rail and map hooks.
- Maps measure 51" x 51"
- Easy to Read
- Printed on tough, non-tear material
- Completely up-to-date
- Seven land elevations - two water depths shown
- Markable

Unsere unschlagbare Preis-Politik:
Beste Qualität zum günstigsten Preis!

Bestellformular Download

Was ist eine Echtholzbestäbung?    Was ist ein Springroller?

Breite:130 cm
Länge:130 cm

Verfügbare Versionen:

Africa - Physical Political Map - laminated, spring roller on metal backboard
(Artikel-Nr.: 100014806)

USD 144,00